SUPER III…Mobile?!

Yes, you read that correctly! SUPER III is coming to iOS (and hopefully Android and Windows phone(s)).

What is SUPER III?
For those of you who don’t know, SUPER III is an action-platformer that I began to develop for the indiE3 jam during Spring 2014. It was being developed for console platforms (PC, Mac, Linux, and Xbox One) and the alpha build can be played below:

SUPER III Sample Level

Continue reading “SUPER III…Mobile?!”

SUPER III…Mobile?!

Hello World! (Again)

Hi all,

I thought that it was about time for me to bring my personal page back to life. I have a lot going on and I want to be able to share all of it, with all of you!

Who am I?
I am Zack Bell! I make games! Typically fast-paced, action games! You may know me for my work on FROG SORD and/or SUPER III. No, neither of these have shipped at this point, but you can play both of them below!
Continue reading “Hello World! (Again)”

Hello World! (Again)